By Elyse HodgsonPosted on July 1, 2021April 11, 2022 How does the Internet work? It’s a huge network made up of devices connected by physical cables, such as copper telephone wires and fiber optic cables. While wireless connections are possible, they rely on physical cables to reach the network. Computers send requests over these cables to websites stored on servers. These servers act like hard drives, retrieving information and sending it back to the computer. This process takes only a few seconds. While the internet works like a computer, each packet must be sent out in pieces. Once they arrive at their destination, they must be pieced back together to reach their final destination. Luckily, computers are able to put the packets back together in under a second. This method helps prevent a single connection from dominating the network. Without these intermediate devices, data sent between two computers would occupy multiple cables, routers, and switches, reducing the speed of the network. In order for information to move over the Internet, each device must have an IP address. Every packet of data is first chopped into tiny packets and tagged with its IP address, so that it can be routed to its destination. Once it has reached the destination, the packets are reassembled to be used by other devices. So, how does the Internet work? Let’s explore the technical details. You’ll be surprised by what’s possible on the Internet. Websites contain bits of information that are converted into pixels on a computer screen. These pieces of information can range from a news website to a website with an image. The websites themselves can be educational or promotional. Browsers are software applications that run on computers. They collect packets and make connections with other computers on the network. It is a common misconception that computers are the same, but this is not true. You need both to work together to access the Internet. The Internet is made up of many networks that connect to each other. Each network has its own set of protocols. Internet Protocol is the protocol used to communicate data across the network. Internet Protocol specifies how computer systems communicate across a network. TCCP requires destination computers to notify the source computer when they are missing data. IP specifies the routing of information and TCP requires computers to attach an address to each piece of information. The Internet is a wonderful tool for making connections, but how does it work? Whether you’re wondering how the Internet works or just want to learn more about it, there’s a simple answer: it’s all about networks. Sockets and internet applications work at the Application Layer. The application layer abstracts away routing and reassembling packets into messages. In contrast, the lowest level of the Internet is the Link Layer, where data is transmitted through a physical medium. In the end, all these components work together in the background to make the Internet possible. Internet