Crazy Games That Were Successful

If you’re interested in the reasons behind Crazy Games’ success, you’re not alone. Hundreds of millions of people worldwide play these games. In fact, some of them have reached more than 35 million game plays. You’ll be surprised at the success of these games. Keep reading to learn how they did it. And remember, the more successful your game is, […]

Trending Tech Gadgets For 2018

Technology has come a long way in the last few years. It is ubiquitous today, found in our homes all over the world and at the heart of most business operations. Not only does it help people in all walks of life, but it can make our lives easier, too. So if you’re interested in making your life a little […]

The Benefits of Digital Technology in Business

Streamlining processes through digital technology can boost efficiency and employee adaptability. Businesses must ensure their systems enable employees to work smarter and more effectively. Moreover, the use of new technologies can reduce operational costs and enhance customer satisfaction. However, digitalization needs to be done in the right way to reap maximum benefits. Here are some ways to optimize processes through […]

Be Aware of Software Technology Hacking

While many organizations are enamored with the idea of bounty-based software security testing, few people are aware of the ethical side of this practice. So-called ethical hackers attempt to find and fix software vulnerabilities. They are paid to do so through bug bounty programs. They are often more likely to find and report software vulnerabilities than malicious actors. But there […]

Does Technology Decrease Mobility?

When it comes to personal mobility, does technology increase or decrease it? If you’re looking for an answer to this question, read on. This article will discuss some of the most common forms of technology and how they affect your daily life. Also, we’ll cover some of the best ways to improve your mobility, including wheelchairs, walking aids, and prosthetic […]

Intel Rapid Storage Technology

Using Intel Rapid Storage Technology is an excellent way to increase data capacity and performance without sacrificing the speed of storage. This advanced technology allows you to store and retrieve data up to 1 TB in as little as two hours. Its unique capabilities improve data management and device performance by combining the features of both SSDs and HDDs. To […]

What is Blockchain Technology?

Before diving into the details of what is blockchain technology, you may be wondering what this kind of system is all about. Blockchains are distributed ledgers that contain data that is shared across several nodes, creating a tamper-resistant record and preventing changes in the records. Blockchain was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto, who is credited with the idea of creating the […]

What Is Educational Technology?

What is educational technology? The term refers to a wide variety of educational technologies and methods. In addition to classroom-based teaching methods, educational technology can also be used to impart distance education and correspondence education. Advancement in technology has increased access to education globally. Moreover, technology-driven feedback has improved the quality of teacher training at academic institutions and innovative analytical […]

The Information Technology Sector

The information technology (IT) industry is a fast-growing sector of the U.S. economy that has outpaced the contribution of goods-producing industries to gross domestic product. This trend is not unique to the U.S. but is consistent with similar trends in other advanced economies and OECD peer countries. In fact, the IT industry is expected to exceed the value-add contributions of […]

The Benefits of Cloud Technology for Small Businesses

Cloud technology, or cloud computing, is the on-demand provision of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, to users without their active management. Large clouds typically have functions distributed across several sites, each of which is called a data center. By leveraging this technology, businesses can make the best use of their computing resources, while reducing the number […]